Red Clover + Healthy Balanced Skin


Red Clover + Healthy Balanced Skin

Red Clover is a beneficial source of plant phytoestrogen. It is considered to be one of the richest sources of isoflavones, which are water-soluble chemicals that act like estrogens (known collectively as phytoestrogens).

Why Isoflavones?

Red Clover contains isoflavones used to support healthy lymphatic function, immunity, healthy skin and balanced endocrine activity. Its active ingredients include daidzein, genistein, biochannin-A, and others which help to combat the subtle signs of aging, including decreased collagen production. Case studies have shown a direct link between isoflavone supplementation and increased collagen production, improved skin elasticity/thickening and wrinkle reduction, particularly in aging women.

According to research done by the Pharmaco-Biological Department at the University of Messina in Italy, “estrogens have a profound influence on skin,” and red clover helps stop both internal and external/environmental aging effects caused by estrogen loss. Estrogen improves skin by increasing collagen content, skin thickness and moisture, and research shows treatment for 14 weeks with a red clover extract standardized to contain 11 percent isoflavones (20 and 40 milligrams of total isoflavones daily) helps organize epidermis cells, provides uniform thickness and regular keratinizations, and positively influences collagen and elastic fibers.


Red Clover Tincture


Dry red clover flowers
Alcohol (at least 80 proof)
Clean glass Mason jar with clean unused lid
Fine cheese cloth
Large bowl for straining


•Place blossoms into jar and pour alcohol over the blossoms, ensuring all are covered.
•Seal your jar and place your clover tincture in a dark cabinet.
•Let the tincture sit for 6 weeks and shake occasionally.
•Check alcohol level in case of absorption. Add more alcohol if needed to ensure full coverage.
•After 6 weeks, open jar and strain with a cheesecloth held by a strainer into a clean container.
•Transfer red clover tincture into individual dropper bottles if preferred.
•Standard adult amounts are 2-6 mL of tincture three times a day.

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